Jaime Laviada

Visiting Scholar

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering


Jaime Laviada was born in Gijón, Spain. He received the M.S. degree in telecommunication engineering and the Ph.D. degree from the Universidad de Oviedo, Spain (http://www.uniovi.es), in 2005 and 2010, respectively. In 2006, he joined the research group Signal Theory and Communications of the Universidad de Oviedo, where he has been involved in multiple national and European projects as well as contracts with several companies. In 2015, he moved to the Antennas Group of the Universidad Pública de Navarra with a national postdoctoral fellowship collaborating in several applied research projects. Finally, he moved back to the Universidad de Oviedo where he currently holds a position as assistant professor. In addition, he has been a Visiting Scholar in the Electromagnetics and Communications Lab, Pennsylvania State University, during 2007 and 2008 as well as in the Applied Microwave NonDestructive Testing Laboratory, Missouri S&T, during 2017.

Research Interests:

Numerical techniques applied to electromagnetic imaging, antenna measurements, method of moments, and antenna pattern synthesis.